A7B294EB-0981-4F22-A3B0-FE79CABD641FPrompt: “Feed Us”
No Entry Fee
Word limit: 300 words, excluding title
Deadline: SEPTEMBER 1, 2019
Submissions: email to bffnonprofit@gmail.com
$100.00 first prize
$30.00 second prize
$20.00 third prize
Judge: Kathy Fish



Kathy Fish photoContest judge Kathy Fish is a faculty mentor in Fiction at the Mile-High MFA at Regis University in Denver. Additionally, she teaches two-week intensive Fast Flash© Workshops. She also runs Flash Fiction Retreats with author Nancy Stohlman. Fish’s fifth collection of flash fiction, Wild Life: Collected Works from 2003-2018, has recently been released by Matter Press.

Widely read, taught, shared, and discussed on social media, Fish’s “Collective Nouns for Humans in the Wild” which addresses the scourge of America’s gun violence and mass shootings, and was originally published in Jellyfish Review, will be anthologized in an upcoming Norton Reader (W. W. Norton & Company). The piece was also reprinted in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2018, edited by Sheila Heti and was chosen by Aimee Bender for Best Small Fictions 2018.

Previously, Fish’s story, “Strong Tongue” was chosen by Amy Hempel for Best Small Fictions, 2017. Her work also appeared in Best Small Fictions 2016, edited by Stuart Dybek.

Contest Rules:

One entry per author.

Send your entry pasted into the body of an email and also as a .doc attachment (in the same email) to bffnonprofit@gmail.com. There are no specific font or formatting requirements, but please include the word “CONTEST” in the subject line of your email.

Fiction only, please. No poetry, essays, non-fiction or memoir. All entries must be original and unpublished. This means submissions that have been published anywhere else, including blogs, radio or TV broadcast, personal web pages, etc., will be disqualified.

Shortlisted stories will be published on our website and in the Brilliant Flash Fiction first print anthology (Hunger: The Best of Brilliant Flash Fiction, 2014 – 2019), launched on October 19, 2019, 7 p.m., at Wolverine Farm Publick House, 316 Willow Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524. Shortlisted stories and prizewinners will be announced at that time. Authors need not be present to win. Shortlisted authors and cash prizewinners will receive one complimentary copy of the anthology.

Authors retain all rights to submitted work. Deadline is September 1, 2019, midnight Mountain Standard Time.