Ende Mac

Ende Mac is a public defense attorney and a slipstream author somewhere out in the American Midwest. Feel free to reach out to them @endewriting on Twitter, or read their stuff at https://endewriting.wordpress.com

Anne Macdonald
Anne Macdonald

Anne Macdonald lives in Colorado where she heads off each day to work as a business librarian. Her novel, A Short Time in Luxembourg, appeared in 2004. Her short stories have appeared in Dublin Quarterly Review; Blue Earth Review; Matter: the Journal of Art and Literature and WOW 2014 Anthology (Writing on the Waves-Galway, Ireland), among others.

Lesley Mace
Lesley Mace

Lesley Mace writes in a garden room that’s stuffed with books and notebooks. She is an Escalator Award winner, and has received Arts Council funding for her writing. Published in Writers’ Forum (three time first-prize winner), Bewildering Stories and The Boston Literary Magazine, she is working on her second book, a crime novel set in 1860s.

Mackarness, Patience
Patience Mackarness

Patience Mackarness lives and writes partly in an elderly VW camper van, partly in a cottage in Brittany, France. Her work has been published or accepted by Every Day Fiction, Pure Slush, Peacock Journal, Flash: The International Short-Story Magazine, Arachne Press, and elsewhere. Previously published stories can be read on her website: https://patiencemackarness.wordpress.com/

Cecilia Maddison

Cecilia is a writer based in London, where she works as a healthcare professional. Her work has been published online in RawLit and The Ulu Review, and her winning and shortlisted stories are available on Reedsy Prompts. She is a Globe Soup finalist.

Shannon Magee
Shannon Magee

Shannon Magee is a graduating senior at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She is currently majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. A passionate writer of both poetry and prose, she plans to pursue a career in writing, editing and publishing, when she isn’t unraveling the patriarchy inch by inch.

Mahaffie, John B. photo
John B. Mahaffie

John is a futurist with a love of the past. He writes short fiction and flash, and is at work on a novel. John’s fiction explores the past. And future-focused stories—scenarios—are a backbone of his work as consultant. John lives and works in Washington, DC. He shares his writing at johnmahaffie.com.

Gwenda Major

Gwenda Major lives in the South Lakes area of the UK. Her passions are genealogy, gardening and graveyards. Gwenda’s stories have featured in numerous publications. She has written four novels and two novellas; three have been either longlisted or shortlisted for national competitions. www.gwendamajor.wordpress.com

Makiefsky, B.L.
B.L. Makiefsky

B.L. Makiefsky was the winner of the 2012 Michigan Writers Cooperative Press chapbook fiction contest for the short story collection, Fathers And Sons. His articles and other short fiction have appeared in the Detroit Free Press, Fan Magazine,The Dunes Review, Thoughtful Dog, Pithead Chapel and Fiction Southeast (to be published in 2019). He lives in Traverse City, Michigan.

Louise Mangos

Louise writes novels, short stories and flash fiction, which have won prizes, placed on shortlists, and been read out on BBC radio. You can connect with Louise on Facebook and Twitter @LouiseMangos, or visit her website louisemangos.com where there are links to more of her stories. Louise lives in Switzerland with her Kiwi husband and two sons.

Jesse Mardian
Jesse Mardian

Jesse Mardian earned his MFA degree at San José State University. His recent works have been featured in Burrow Press, Mount Hope Magazine, Gambling the Aisle, The Rumpus, and Three: An Anthology of Flash Nonfiction. Currently, he is working his first novel and working as an educator in Los Angeles, California.

Margariti, Avra
Avra Margariti

Avra Margariti is a queer Social Work undergrad from Greece. She enjoys storytelling in all its forms and writes about diverse identities and experiences. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Forge Literary, Baltimore Review, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and other venues. You can find her on twitter @avramargariti.

Tyrean Martinson
Tyrean Martinson

Tyrean Martinson is the author of Champion in the Darkness, Champion in Flight, and various short stories and poems. Martinson can be found online at tyreanswritingspot.blogspot.com.

Fabiana Martinez

Fabiana Elisa Martínez is a linguist and a writer. She authored the story collection 12 Random Words, the story Stupidity, published by Pierre Turcotte Editor, and the grammar book Spanish 360 with Fabiana. Other stories of hers have been published in five continents in multiple magazines and anthologies including Rigorous Magazine, Ponder Review, Libretto, Hindsight Magazine, and Writers of Tomorrow.

Ben Mason
Ben Mason

Ben Mason’s fiction and poetry have appeared in Calliope, The Pacific Review, The Commonline Journal, Perigee, and Recto Verso. A chapbook of his poetry, Small Pomes for Average People, was published by Naissance in 2011. He lives in Washington, DC.

Massey, Evan photo
Evan Massey

Evan Massey is a short fiction writer. He will be a first-year graduate student studying fiction in the Creative Writing MFA Program at Virginia Tech. He is also former military and wants to one day own a Bloodhound. Other works of his appear in Populi Magazine and Literally Stories.

William Masters
William Masters

William Masters is a local San Francisco writer. Twenty of the thirty-four stories from his collection of fiction, Portraiture: A San Francisco Story Cycle, have been published since 2012. He still hasn’t found a publisher, sigh.

Jacqueline Masumian

Jacqueline is the author of Nobody Home: A Memoir, her debut book. She grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, and has enjoyed careers as actress, performing arts manager, and landscape designer. Currently Jacqueline writes short stories and personal essays and lives in Connecticut with her husband George. Her blog is on Goodreads.com.

Robert McBrearty
Robert McBrearty

Robert Garner McBrearty’s short stories have been published in the Pushcart Prize, North American Review, Missouri Review and elsewhere. His flash fiction has recently appeared in Eclectica, Lowestoft Chronicle, Posit, and The Café Irreal. He’s published three collections of stories and most recently a novella,The Western Lonesome Society. For more info about Robert’s writing: www.robertgarnermcbrearty.com.

McCarthy, Geraldine photo
Geraldine McCarthy

Geraldine McCarthy lives in West Cork, Ireland. She has been writing short stories and flash fiction for a year and a half. Her work has appeared in The Fable Online (July 2016, June 2017), The Incubator Journal (December 2016), Seven Deadly Sins: a YA Anthology (Gluttony, November 2016), and The Scarlet Leaf Review (January 2017).

McCormack, Dona
Dona McCormack

Dona McCormack writes flash, realism, and nonfiction, and wrangles psychiatric disabilities with the help of her partner and loving service human, Michael, in their home in northeast Ohio. Published in several journals, many of Dona’s stories are available to read from her website, donamccormack1.wixsite.com/donawrites, including her Reflex Fiction Summer 2019 Winner, Growing in the Dust.

McCulloch, Christian
Christian McCulloch

Christian McCulloch is a prolific British writer with a colourful background. He’s been an International teacher in British West Indies, Singapore (Principal), Japan and Hong Kong, also 10 years in Special Needs in UK. He now writes full time. He has written 10 novels, 12 novellas and many short stories.

Perry McDaid
Perry McDaid

Irish writer Perry McDaid currently has over a hundred short stories of varying lengths and genres published or accepted pending publication by imprints such as Stupefying Stories; Chaos Factory; Flash Fiction Magazine; Everyday Fiction; Amsterdam Quarterly; Bunbury; and others. He lives beneath the brooding brows of the Donegal hills in his hometown of Derry.

McDonald, Paul photo
Paul McDonald

Paul McDonald runs the creative writing programme at the University of Wolverhampton, England. He is the author of fifteen books to date, including fiction, poetry and criticism. Having a scholarly interest in ancient humour, he takes pleasure in the fact that Googling ‘the oldest joke in the world’ throws up several hundred pages with his name on.

McGill, Carol
Carol McGill

Carol McGill’s work has appeared in Capsule Stories, Sonder, Crannóg, Q/A Poetry, and Silver Apples Magazine, among others. In 2020 she founded the Morning Coffee Writing Competition with Sonder Magazine. She was the 2019-2020 chairperson of Trinity Literary Society. She tweets at @WordsByCarolx.

Jessica McGlyn

Jessica McGlyn lives in Washington, D.C. and is a member of the Capitol Hill Writers Group. She writes short stories, mostly in the speculative fiction genre. Catch her latest work in Spank the Carp, Half Hour to Kill, and Dark Horses Magazine.

Neil McGowan
Neil McGowan

Neil is the author of horror novels The Surgeon and Nanobite, as well as the collected short stories Don’t Drink the Water. He lives in Scotland and is a keen cyclist, taking inspiration from the landscape around him. He says writing is more fun than work and he is nothing like the characters in his novels. Honest.

Deirdre McGrath
Deirdre McGrath

Deirdre McGrath has a background in print journalism and worked as a reporter with the Limerick Leader newspaper for nine years where she covered a wide range of topics in the form of hard news and feature writing. She now runs her own advertising business and lives in County Cork, Ireland. She really enjoys reading and writing flash fiction.

Leslie Anne Mcilroy

Leslie Anne Mcilroy won the 1997 Slipstream Poetry Chapbook Prize for Gravel, the 2001 Word Press Poetry Prize for her first full-length collection Rare Space, the1997 Chicago Literary Awards and the 2018 Gemini Flash Fiction contest. Her memoir, The Red Door: An Historical Memoir of The Squirrel Hill Cafe was published by Main Street Rag in November 2020.

McMahon, Shannon Photo
Shannon McMahon

Shannon McMahon has an M.A. in Creative Writing and a PhD in American Literature. She has been director of the writing program at College of Saint Mary in Omaha since 2012. She’s lived in France, Italy, and Morocco and is currently at work on her first novel.

Carina McNally
Carina McNally

Carina McNally lives in Beara (Ireland) where she wave-watches, coin collects and in her spare time writes plays, book reviews, short stories and flash fiction. Her work has been both broadcast and published, more recently appearing in Cyphers and Number Eleven Magazine.

Fiona McPhillips
Fiona McPhillips

Fiona McPhillips is a journalist, author and charity director. Her creative work has been featured in the Flash Flood Journal, two Poetry Now anthologies and she has had a chapbook of poems published by The Plowman. You can find her on Twitter @fionamcp.

Meisenhalter, Fernando
Fernando Meisenhalter

Fernando Meisenhalter is just some random guy.

Mell, Sue
Sue Mell

A graduate of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, Sue Mell’s work has appeared in Narrative Magazine, Jellyfish Review, Cleaver Magazine, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and Newtown Literary.

Ashley Memory
Ashley Memory

Ashley Memory writes fiction, essays, and poetry. She is the author of Naked and Hungry, a darkly humorous suspense novel published in November 2011 by Ingalls Publishing Group. Her work has most recently appeared in the 2015 edition of Pinesong, Carolina Woman magazine and the 2014 Thomas Wolfe Review. She lives in Pittsboro, North Carolina.

Jay Merrill
Jay Merrill

Jay Merill lives in London UK and is Writer in Residence at Women in Publishing. Stories are published currently by Epiphany, Matter Press and Prairie Schooner. Jay is a 2017 Pushcart Prize nominee and winner of the Salt short story Prize. She is the author of two short story collections (both Salt): God of the Pigeons and Astral Bodies.

Eve Merrick-Williams
Eve Merrick-Williams

Eve describes herself as a belly dancing pagan witch living in West Wales. She has a degree in Ancient History and Classical Studies and a Master’s in Ancient Philosophy and Myth. She’s part of the crowd theater group Goblin Circus and divides her time between learning circus skills and writing. In October she began a Master’s in creative writing.

David Metz
David Metz

David Metz is a writer and member of the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Maryland. His stories have appeared in Adelaide Literary Magazine, Bull, The MacGuffin, New Plains Review and Downstate Story. Originally from Illinois, he lives with his wife in Damascus, Maryland.

Chris Milam
Chris Milam

Chris Milam lives in the bucolic wasteland that is Hamilton, Ohio. When not writing, he vapes and sulks with ferocity. His stories have appeared in Jellyfish Review, Bartleby Snopes, WhiskeyPaper, Molotov Cocktail, and elsewhere. You can find him on Twitter @Blukris.

Miller, CG
CG Miller

CG Miller is a God-fearing man who writes out of Grand Prairie, Texas, with his wife and daughter by his side. He loves reading short story collections and watching movies that make him think. He dabbles in both art and music. Previously published in Menda City Review.

Serena Molloy
Serena Molloy

Serena Molloy is a prize-winning short story writer. She also enjoys writing Middle Grade and Young Adult fiction. Her work has been shortlisted by the Dublin Writers Festival. She fits her writing in around a busy family life. Chocolate is her only vice.

Gerry Moloney

Gerry Moloney is a Chartered Financial Analyst and is a consultant and director of a number of financial services companies. He took up creative writing some years ago and is now working on his first novel. He is married and lives in Howth, County Dublin.

Monaghan, Damhnait photo
Damhnait Monaghan

Damhnait Monaghan’s flash fiction has placed in several competitions and last year she won the Brilliant Flash Fiction ‘Special Delivery’ competition. She is published in places like EllipsisZine, The Fiction Pool, Flash Frontier and Spelk Fiction and has work forthcoming in several anthologies. She’s on Twitter @Downith which is also how to pronounce her first name.

Madeline Monroe

Madeline Monroe currently splits her time between her hometown, South Lake Tahoe, California, and Boston, Massachusetts, where she’s earning her BFA in Creative Writing at Emerson College. Both her West Coast and East Coast homes are close to her heart. She writes Realistic Fiction, and almost all of her stories start with a relationship.

Morgan-Heredia, Claire
Claire Morgan-Heredia

Claire Morgan-Heredia manages a video rental store (yes, they still exist) and writes stories. She received her BA from the University of Michigan and currently resides in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with her husband and four cats. She is at work on her first novel.

Alan Morris
Alan Morris

I sit in my armchair in Portsmouth and travel from the deepest ocean to the outer reaches of space, without moving a muscle. My writing is described as short and often horrible but sometimes funny. I love performing my work at festivals and open mics. I am delighted to be published by Brilliant Flash Fiction.

Jackie Morris

Jackie Morris lives in Surrey, UK. She has an MA in Creative Writing from the Open University (2021). She was longlisted in the 2021 Sydney Hammond Memorial Competition. Her work is published in the 2022 National Flash Fiction Day anthology and on the Retreat West and Free Flash Fiction websites. She can be found far too often on Twitter @JackieMMorris.

Dan Morrison

Dan Morrison is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts. He currently works as a college football writer for On3. In the past, his fiction has been published in journals like Zephyr Review, the Academy of Heart and Mind, and Zoetic Press’ NonBinary Review. He currently lives in Central Florida.

Ray Morrison
Ray Morrison

Ray Morrison spent his childhood in Brooklyn, NY and Washington, DC but headed south after college to earn his degree in veterinary medicine and hasn’t looked north since. His debut collection of short stories, In a World of Small Truths (Press 53), was released in November 2012. His fiction has appeared in numerous journals, magazines, and several fiction anthologies.

Rajiv Moté

Rajiv Moté is a writer and software engineering director living in Chicago with his wife, daughter, and a tiny dog. His stories can be found in Cast of Wonders, Diabolical Plots, Escape Pod, and other publications catalogued at  rajivmote.wordpress.com/published/. He scrapes off excess words on Twitter at @RajivMote.

Leah Mueller

Leah Mueller’s work appears in Rattle, NonBinary Review, Citron Review, The Spectacle, New Flash Fiction Review, Atticus Review, Your Impossible Voice, etc. She is a 2023 nominee for both Pushcart and Best of the Net. Her story, Land of Eternal Thirst appears in the 2022 edition of Best Small Fictions. Website: www.leahmueller.org.

Murphy, Sean
Sean Murphy

Sean Murphy’s work has appeared in Salon, The Village Voice, The New York Post, The Good Men Project, and others. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and is Founding Director of Virginia Center for Literary Arts (www.thevcla.com). To learn more, please visit seanmurphy.net/

Linda Musita
Linda Musita

Linda Musita is a Kenyan writer and lawyer. Last year she was selected as one of 39 best African writers south of the Sahara under the age of 40, and was published by Bloomsbury UK in the Africa 39 anthology. She is a member of the Jalada writers collective.


Jared Nadin
Jared Nadin

Jared Nadin is a 23-year-old writer, poet and performer from County Clare, Ireland. He’s been writing for about a year and is a founding member of the popular Limerick-based literary event: Stanzas. He’s usually found in the smoking area with a notepad and pen. His work has been published in The Floor Magazine and Silver Apples Magazine.

Karthik G. Nambiar

Karthik is creative when it comes to thinking of the kinds of trouble he could land himself in. He watches Netflix to forget about his fear of not getting a job in the future, then realises he will not get a job if he keeps watching Netflix and the cycle goes on. An introvert, confused soul who gets stressed out in his attempt at being a perfectionist. He wishes for a drink to get high on self-confidence.

Nazzaro, Jeff
Jeff Nazzaro

Jeff Nazzaro grew up in New England, lived in Japan for twelve years, and now makes his home in Southern California, where he teaches English and writes fiction and poetry. His flash fiction has appeared in over a dozen online and print literary magazines, including Every Day Fiction, MoonPark Review, Runcible Spoon, and Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine.

Leland Neville
Leland Neville

Leland Neville lives and writes in upstate New York. He previously worked for a news magazine in Washington, D.C. and taught in both a high school and a prison. His short stories have appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Bartleby Snopes, The Barcelona Review, FLAPPERHOUSE, and Blue Monday Review.

Dan Nielsen

Dan Nielsen is a full-time open mic standup comic. His flash manuscript Flavored Water was a semi-finalist in the Rose Metal Press 2017 SHORT SHORT CHAPBOOK CONTEST. Flash in: Bird’s Thumb, Minor Literature[s], Cheap Pop, and The Collapsar. Dan has a website: Preponderous. You can follow him @DanNielsenFIVES. He and Georgia Bellas are the post-minimalist art-folk band Sugar Whiskey.

Kenneth Nolan
Kenneth Nolan

Kenneth is a writer/poet from Dublin, Ireland, who also performs comedy. In 2012 he won the CDVEC Cultural Council prize for poetry. He was highly commended in the 2013 Jonathon Swift Award for poetry and has been published in Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology, and other magazines. Drop by his blog: kennethnolan6.wordpress.com


Anna O'Brien
Anna O’Brien

Anna O’Brien is a writer and veterinarian in Maryland. She is a contributing editor for the magazine Horse Illustrated and her other non-fiction work appears in various animal/pet publications. Her fiction has appeared in The Reject Pile. She likes her bicycles fast, her coffee sweet, and her dogs big and goofy. Twitter: @annaobriendvm

Bayveen O’Connell

Bayveen O’Connell is an Irish writer who is inspired by history, folklore, myth, travel, and feminism. Her flash fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best Microfiction. Bayveen’s writing has appeared in McQueen’s Quinterly, Splonk, Janus Literary, Scrawl Place, Lumiere Review, Ekphrastic Review, Fractured Lit, The Forge, Ellipsis Zine, National Flash Fiction Day Anthology, Maryland Review, and others.

O'Hara, Ben
Ben O’Hara

Ben O’Hara is a Proposal Editor who, when not preoccupied with the world of bid writing, will be lost in the one inside his head, indulging in his next mad idea.

William O’Hara
William O’Hara

William O’Hara was born in 1970 and lives in the Irish midlands. He has worked as a trolley manager (manager of trolleys) Tyre Fillerman, postman, and as a general operative in numerous factories including a chocolate one (if you ever gain employment in a chocolate factory, steer clear of the mint machine). He is currently employed as a low level clerk in the civil service. He had a poem published once.

Pat O'Rourke
Pat O’Rourke

Pat O’Rourke has been a journalist in his native Dublin for almost 20 years. He writes fiction as a hobby and has been dabbling in Flash Fiction of late. He also has a keen interest in writing plays and, in 2014, had a 10-minute play staged with ‘Ri-Ra’, an amateur drama group based in Drogheda, Ireland.

Ronnie O’Toole
Ronnie O’Toole

Ronnie is a native Dubliner, and a mathematician by training and inclination. He has published non-fiction extensively, including a book on economics as well as contributing regularly to the Sunday Times. He is currently working on a novel set in 1917 Dublin, and writes short fiction to keep himself sane.

Jonathan Ojanpera
Jonathan Ojanpera

Jonathan Ojanpera is a published author, editor and writer of poetry and fiction. He is also an artist, photographer and musician. His introduction to writing came in the form of poetry in his early teens. His work has been featured in several political, poetic and literary websites and books.

Donají Olmedo
Donají Olmedo

Donají Olmedo was born in Mexico City, where she still lives today. Toshiya Kamei has published translations of her fiction in The Bitter Oleander, Gargoyle Magazine, The McNeese Review, and xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths. She blogs at Casa de Ateh and edits the chapbook of the same name, where she publishes the work of young Mexican writers.

Kirby Olson

Kirby Olson is a professor of creative writing and philosophy at SUNY-Delhi in the western Catskills. His most recent book is Christmas at Rockefeller Center (WordTech 2015), which is a book of poems. He lives in Delhi, NY with his wife and four children. (Photo by Riikka Olson)

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