IMG_6488Prompt: None. Let your imagination run wild
No Entry Fee
Word limit: 300 words, excluding title
Deadline: SEPTEMBER 15, 2018
Submissions: email to
50 euro first prize (or equivalent amount in your currency)
25 euro second prize
15 euro third prize
Judges: Brilliant Flash Fiction staff


Contest Rules:

One entry per author.

Send your entry pasted into the body of an email and also as a .doc attachment (in the same email) to brilliantflashfiction@gmail.com. There are no specific font or formatting requirements, but please include the word “CONTEST” in the subject line of your email. Authors retain all rights to submitted work. Deadline is September 15, 2018, midnight in Dublin, Ireland.

Fiction only, please! No poetry, essays, non-fiction or memoir. All entries must be original and unpublished. This means submissions that have been accepted for publication anywhere else, including blogs, radio or TV broadcast, personal web pages, etc., are not eligible. Entries of more than 300 words or entries found to be published anywhere else will be disqualified.

All winning entries (including shortlisted stories) will be published on our website in September 2018.